Feedback Procedure of the University

Curriculum is one of the crucial aspects of teaching learning process, so it requires regular and continuous assessment. Stakeholder’s feedback plays a remarkable role in Curriculum Design and
Development by providing useful insights for upgrading various aspects of teaching, learning, assessing and capacity. Designing and developing a curriculum demands proper need based
inputs in proper consultation with experts. Our University has made all the required
arrangements for getting proper feedback from students, teachers, alumni and employers on various curriculum related activities .Curriculum development comprises of following phases:
The process of curriculum development for various programs starts with the assessment of the existing curriculum taking into consideration requirements of students, skills demanded by industry and job placements. The curriculum inspection comprises of information regarding
syllabus planning and holistic experience about the program. This exercise of gathering feedbacks
on the curricula from our stakeholders were recorded once in every academic year.
In curriculum advancement and audit, the current curriculum undergoes through an exhaustive
and detailed assessment process, which needs to experience different stages with an active
contribution and commitment of students, instructors, alumni and scholastic specialists of other

Students’ feedback is recorded in different sessions, using prescribed Performa, toward the end
of every academic year. Online feedback about the curriculum is taken from the students using
google forms prior to the end of semester. Feedback thus received is duly considered during the
review process of curriculum. A meeting of curriculum review committee is organized to assess
the compiled feedbacks received from all stakeholders. After rigorous discussion on the valuable
inputs given in the feedback, curriculum review committee performs various modifications in the
curriculum, still keeping it consistent with existing scheme. These changes are proposed in Board
of Studies meeting / IQAC after thorough analysis of feedback. Suggested modifications are
incorporated in the curriculum on the recommendations of the BOS members / IQAC.

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